Children are naturally curious about
the jobs grown-ups do and Playing dress-up allows children to try on these
different roles.
To get started visit your
local thrift or Good Will stores, where you can find play clothing relatively cheap. You may even want to make prop boxes
that you put out for particular themes.
I have
Hospital scrubs
Lab coats
Rain gear (red and yellow
ones make great firefighter coats)
Mechanics shirts
Assorted hats
Diapers (for baby dolls)
Halloween costumes (I love
these! You can find costumes of animals to pirates and so much more), usually available in October
Props, from flowers, hair
dryers, utensils, to bake ware, and so much more
You can’t
beat the prices and it won’t hurt as much if they are ruined. You may even get lucky and find brand new items (I have
gotten books and Discovery Toys that were brand new for about 10% of what they sell for in stores)!
Ask children
open ended questions to get them started in their play like:
Can you act like the person
who would wear these clothes?
Are you on your way to work,
to a party, or somewhere else?